5 Cool Things To 3D Print 

5 Cool Things To 3D Print 

5 Cool Things To 3D Print 


3D printers are a perennial favorite among kids. This technology allows you to make many objects, including unique toys and everyday items, in just a few hours. Here are five examples of things that you can print. Some of them are even useful. For example, you can make a 3D-printed box to send freezable liquids. This box can then be filled and sealed, and the product is ready to send! See this to find a reliable 3D printing service.


Suppose you’re interested in learning how to 3D print utensils; you’ve come to the right place. The manufacturing research Centre has developed a 3D-printed chef’s knife. This piece of utensil features a reverse-engineered handle that mimics a chef’s grip. The knife’s blade is also 3D-printed, requiring special thermal shrouding techniques and build optimization software to achieve the desired final product.

Musical instruments:

3D printing is a new technique that allows you to create objects in various forms. Music instruments are no exception. While they have yet to be competitive with instruments made of conventional materials like wood, 3D-printed instruments are starting to catch the attention of mainstream artists.

Light switch locks:

A light switch lock is a simple and practical 3D print that prevents kids from accidentally turning on the lights. The project is very easy to complete, and the process is fast. It can be printed as an entire assembly or in separate parts, making it very versatile.

Business cards:

If you’re in the market for a new set of business cards, consider printing them in 3D. Not only will this allow you to personalize them and have them unique to you, but you can also incorporate your brand colors and fonts to create a cohesive design. Your card should display your unique style while presenting the most useful information to your target audience.

Impossible tables:

There are several ways to make an impossible table. The basic design is based on an optical illusion: a table that appears to defy gravity. This type of table is made of tiny legs and can hold objects that aren’t too heavy. You can even print it in several colors if you want.